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πŸ“° Update 20201209#01

The first update is dedicated to the RSS feed thematic

Yay the first random update is out 🀩 let's dance!!πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈ

The first update is dedicated to the RSS feed thematic!

RSS feeds

If you are older than me, you probably have used them in the past, anyway is not important to know how RSS feeds works, you just need to know what a RSS feed is.

RSS allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format

RSS Wikipedia


it's used for providing users with frequently updated content

Web Feed Wikipedia

Shortly it's a easy way for websites to make life easier to the ones that want to be notified about their new articles

Gossip, gossip, gossip

That said, I integrated in the bot the use of a list of RSS links provided by websites that write about figure skating to share the latest news inside the πŸ’„-gossip channel in the Figure Skating Stats Discord server

The news check runs every 10 minutes and it shares the content (title, link and publication date) if there's something new.

Daily summary

During my journey πŸš΄β€β™‚οΈ in search of good RSS links, I went across this cool website Blazing Blades.

The spicy 🌢 thing is that they post every day a summary of interesting articles (title and article link).

I thought it'd be a cool touch to re-use the written code to share it in the morning of the day after.

All the users, that are lazy enough 😜 to not scroll up to read the articles posted the day before, can now just click on the summary to get a quick overview of what happened.

Video auto-share

This was not enough because learning new (for me) things about the RSS feeds I was surprised that also every Youtube channel has one.

Couldn't I use them to share figure skating content inside the discord server?

Of course not...

As the italians say gambe in spalla (that literally means legs on shoulders but we can translate it as let's get busy), I added to the RSS-check function the behaviour to find out if new videos are uploaded from a list of RSS-feed links of specific youtube channels.

All channels are official channels that hold the rights to publish their videos (es: ISU and National Federations).

Those videos are shared in the πŸ“Ή-videos channel.

Is the website still a priority?

Yes of course it is! The project started with the website and it's still the major feature between the services.

So you are thinking, why no upgrades has been released recently?

The truth is, there are some huge improvements to be developed that takes time, a long time to be written πŸ’».

I am now concentrating on the Discord server because I don't want to leave a work in the middle and because it's lot quicker to upgrade but I am still working on the website and soon I will dedicate more of my free time on that.

What can I say more?

After adding some new cool features and a major renovation of the backend of the website I am going to completly change the server and that means a lot of boring work to do (πŸ–₯VPS setup, DNS, priviledges...).

In conclusion the website is being upgraded and I will probably talk about it in the next update.

Cheers πŸ‘‹

Author: Fantantonio 

Date: 09-12-2020

Categories: news service

Tags: #discord #update